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Topic:  Virtual Convo Sellout

Topic:  Virtual Convo Sellout
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  Message Not Read  Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/16/2020 8:51:29 AM 
This is a nice idea. How 'bout everyone kicks in a little to help keep the department alive?

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Member Since: 9/6/2016
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/16/2020 10:57:41 AM 
As of 2018 (the most recent numbers available) the University had an endowment of $568,000,000. I can't see making donations knowing this. The Convocation Center holds over 13,000. It is ridiculous that spectators cannot be accommodated for basketball. This is my view only. I know others will have their own opinions.
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/16/2020 12:08:28 PM 
You do realize that the endowment is for educational purposes, right? If you can't see the need to help support the program in these difficult times, I'd ask why you even follow the Cats? Our teams are still competing; there are still costs associated with these games, including travel, medical expenses, schollies, etc.; and, oh, you can watch them for free online. We've got some of the cheapest "fans" in college sports.

Last Edited: 12/16/2020 12:12:03 PM by SBH

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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/16/2020 12:15:27 PM 
As I said that is my view. I know others will have their own opinions. I would be glad to pay an increased ticket price to attend the games. There is absolutely no reason an accommodation cannot be made for spectators.

Last Edited: 12/16/2020 12:16:27 PM by ohiocatfan1

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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/16/2020 12:31:21 PM 
ohiocatfan1 wrote:
As I said that is my view. I know others will have their own opinions. I would be glad to pay an increased ticket price to attend the games. There is absolutely no reason an accommodation cannot be made for spectators.

The notion that there's "absolutely no reason" seems like a bit of a stretch. I understand how you disagree, but surely the fact that the US is seeing 3,000+ deaths per day from Covid -- meaning the pandemic is currently worse than it's been at any other point this year -- is a good enough reason for an amateur athletic event to decide spectators are an unnecessary risk.

You may disagree, but the current state of things is a reason, and the logic is pretty easy to follow and understand, even if you disagree.

Last Edited: 12/16/2020 12:38:10 PM by Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame

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Alan Swank
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/16/2020 12:39:04 PM 
The university has taken a very conservative approach to opening facilities due to Covid. The golf course was closed until August 10th. Still trying to figure that one out.
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/16/2020 1:40:34 PM 
ohiocatfan1 wrote:
As I said that is my view. I know others will have their own opinions. I would be glad to pay an increased ticket price to attend the games. There is absolutely no reason an accommodation cannot be made for spectators.

Your argument seems to be that you will support the program so long as we ask our athletes, operations staff, coaches, etc. to expose themselves to the risks of having people in the stands. Does that sound about right?

With respect to attendance policy, this is a MAC mandate, not an Ohio University policy. There were a few conference presidents who did not want to permit competition in any sport this year. Our president was not one of them. Playing before empty stands was a compromise.

As for the late opening of the golf course, I'd say there's nothing wrong with being overly cautious, especially when you're asking students/employees to staff the facility. And I'm guessing the course is a money-losing proposition, so why compound your losses during a health emergency?

Last Edited: 12/16/2020 1:41:17 PM by SBH

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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/16/2020 2:06:16 PM 
It's just my opinion that 1,500 people @ $20 per ticket could be spread out across a 13,000 seat arena in a safe manner generating revenue of $30,000. But if it's a MAC mandate then so be it.

Last Edited: 12/16/2020 2:11:39 PM by ohiocatfan1

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Jeff McKinney

Member Since: 11/12/2004
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/16/2020 2:15:32 PM 
Isn't it also a governor's office mandate?
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Alan Swank
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/16/2020 2:57:36 PM 
SBH wrote:
ohiocatfan1 wrote:
As I said that is my view. I know others will have their own opinions. I would be glad to pay an increased ticket price to attend the games. There is absolutely no reason an accommodation cannot be made for spectators.

As for the late opening of the golf course, I'd say there's nothing wrong with being overly cautious, especially when you're asking students/employees to staff the facility. And I'm guessing the course is a money-losing proposition, so why compound your losses during a health emergency?

Actually, the golf course was being maintained all summer long and to my knowledge, was the only golf course within a hundred miles that was closed. When they did open, the safety protocols were such that they could have been used all spring and summer. At $20 for nine holes in a cart for students and $24 for everyone else (that's $80 and $96 per foursome), it doesn't take too many people playing to cover the cost of two people taking money and cleaning carts for 12 hours a day.
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Member Since: 9/6/2016
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/16/2020 3:03:31 PM 
Good point.
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Member Since: 11/17/2006
Location: Cincinnati
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/16/2020 3:15:57 PM 
I just purchased the $100 package.

Let's see if the athletics department does much to promote this, because it was announced two days ago and this is the first I'm learning about it. I got no email and there wasn't a splash page on ohiobobcats.com . There are posts on their Facebook and Twitter that are not pinned. I would have missed this entirely if I hadn't read it here.
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Member Since: 12/20/2004
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/16/2020 4:04:02 PM 
I received an email promo yesterday.
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Member Since: 11/17/2006
Location: Cincinnati
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/16/2020 4:45:00 PM 
Good to know. I have not, though my email address was populated to my account at checkout.
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General User

Member Since: 2/2/2017
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/16/2020 8:52:28 PM 
ohiocatfan1 wrote:
As I said that is my view. I know others will have their own opinions. I would be glad to pay an increased ticket price to attend the games. There is absolutely no reason an accommodation cannot be made for spectators.

It is your view. I am sure there are plenty of folks at 350 ish D1 programs that agree with you but we continue to see games on TV with empty stadiums. There are outliers like Marshall that are allowing 1300 or so fans in but most stadiums are empty right now. Taking your money and support away because you have an opinion that is counter to science and common sense is a bit eye opening.

Part of the reason we as a country are in the shape we are in and have the rest of the world saying "what the hell is the US thinking?" is because of the mindset. All over the world with futbol, basketball and most sports you see empty stadiums that have reasons "accomodations cannot be made for spectators"

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Alan Swank
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Member Since: 12/11/2004
Location: Athens, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/17/2020 9:04:11 AM 
longtiimelurker wrote:
ohiocatfan1 wrote:
As I said that is my view. I know others will have their own opinions. I would be glad to pay an increased ticket price to attend the games. There is absolutely no reason an accommodation cannot be made for spectators.

It is your view. I am sure there are plenty of folks at 350 ish D1 programs that agree with you but we continue to see games on TV with empty stadiums. There are outliers like Marshall that are allowing 1300 or so fans in but most stadiums are empty right now. Taking your money and support away because you have an opinion that is counter to science and common sense is a bit eye opening.

Part of the reason we as a country are in the shape we are in and have the rest of the world saying "what the hell is the US thinking?" is because of the mindset. All over the world with futbol, basketball and most sports you see empty stadiums that have reasons "accomodations cannot be made for spectators"

Very good points but what confuses the matter is that many high schools are 100% remote but at 3:00 gyms open for practice and at 7:00 a limited number of fans are let into said gyms to watch games being played.

At the college level, many if not most classes are remote yet practices still take place and teams and their supporting party travel all over the country to play games. The mixed messages are there loud and clear.

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General User

Member Since: 9/6/2016
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/17/2020 10:33:05 AM 
longtiimelurker wrote:
ohiocatfan1 wrote:
As I said that is my view. I know others will have their own opinions. I would be glad to pay an increased ticket price to attend the games. There is absolutely no reason an accommodation cannot be made for spectators.

It is your view. I am sure there are plenty of folks at 350 ish D1 programs that agree with you but we continue to see games on TV with empty stadiums. There are outliers like Marshall that are allowing 1300 or so fans in but most stadiums are empty right now. Taking your money and support away because you have an opinion that is counter to science and common sense is a bit eye opening.

Part of the reason we as a country are in the shape we are in and have the rest of the world saying "what the hell is the US thinking?" is because of the mindset. All over the world with futbol, basketball and most sports you see empty stadiums that have reasons "accomodations cannot be made for spectators"

I do disagree and have made that clear. As for my money and support those are both mine and I will continue to handle both as I see fit as I'm sure you will as well. I think if large retailers can have hundreds of people in their stores it's not unreasonable to think a couple thousand people can be spread across a 13,000 seat arena without endangering each other.

Last Edited: 12/17/2020 10:41:16 AM by ohiocatfan1

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General User

Member Since: 9/6/2016
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/17/2020 11:03:59 AM 
Alan Swank wrote:
longtiimelurker wrote:
ohiocatfan1 wrote:
As I said that is my view. I know others will have their own opinions. I would be glad to pay an increased ticket price to attend the games. There is absolutely no reason an accommodation cannot be made for spectators.

It is your view. I am sure there are plenty of folks at 350 ish D1 programs that agree with you but we continue to see games on TV with empty stadiums. There are outliers like Marshall that are allowing 1300 or so fans in but most stadiums are empty right now. Taking your money and support away because you have an opinion that is counter to science and common sense is a bit eye opening.

Part of the reason we as a country are in the shape we are in and have the rest of the world saying "what the hell is the US thinking?" is because of the mindset. All over the world with futbol, basketball and most sports you see empty stadiums that have reasons "accomodations cannot be made for spectators"

Very good points but what confuses the matter is that many high schools are 100% remote but at 3:00 gyms open for practice and at 7:00 a limited number of fans are let into said gyms to watch games being played.

At the college level, many if not most classes are remote yet practices still take place and teams and their supporting party travel all over the country to play games. The mixed messages are there loud and clear.

HS wrestling is permitted but the competitors are not allowed to shake hands afterwards. Who comes up with this stuff?
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General User

Member Since: 3/28/2012
Location: Bloomington, IN
Post Count: 137

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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/17/2020 11:18:36 AM 
Do you recognize that the need for retail businesses, especially grocery stores to operate, is different than fans wanting to attend an athletic contest? And, IMHO, people should limit their time inside retail businesses and make sure to be distanced and masked while inside. That seems really obvious to state, but so many people seem not to agree despite the oversized and growing number of COVID cases and deaths in the U.S.

I love attending college sports, especially OU. I'm very willing, though, to give that up for a few more months until most people are vaccinated. Why is it so important to attend a game now? Lessons I've learned from sports are that self-sacrifice, looking out for my teammates, and embracing delayed gratification will produce better and more satisfying results in the end.
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General User

Member Since: 9/6/2016
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/17/2020 11:24:32 AM 
OakStreet wrote:
Do you recognize that the need for retail businesses, especially grocery stores to operate, is different than fans wanting to attend an athletic contest? And, IMHO, people should limit their time inside retail businesses and make sure to be distanced and masked while inside. That seems really obvious to state, but so many people seem not to agree despite the oversized and growing number of COVID cases and deaths in the U.S.

I love attending college sports, especially OU. I'm very willing, though, to give that up for a few more months until most people are vaccinated. Why is it so important to attend a game now? Lessons I've learned from sports are that self-sacrifice, looking out for my teammates, and embracing delayed gratification will produce better and more satisfying results in the end.

I very much recognize the need for grocery stores to operate. What is the need for athletics to go on with COVID cases and deaths so high? An athletic contest breaks every masking and social distancing guideline. If the competitors can participate outside the guidelines certainly a limited amount of spectators observing masking and distancing should be possible correct?

Last Edited: 12/17/2020 11:43:30 AM by ohiocatfan1

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General User

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Location: Bloomington, IN
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/17/2020 11:45:43 AM 
I'm not arguing that athletic contests do need to go on currently. But if they are going on, I don't see a need for allowing 1,500 fans to attend. I'm an OU grad from the late 80s and I've seen enough serious illness among my family and friends, and increasingly more than enough COVID, too. I'd love to see us all work together to decrease the spread of COVID and keep people who have to work in public as safe as possible, while supporting people financially who can't or shouldn't work currently. I enjoy the games as a distraction, but allowing them to be played, to me, wouldn't really fit with a cohesive plan and message to keep everyone as safe as we reasonably can and get past this as soon as we can.
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General User

Member Since: 8/22/2010
Location: Columbus, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/17/2020 12:02:47 PM 
I purchased the $500 category. My thought was I was planning an additional Bobcat Club donation this year anyway when I would be purchasing my season basketball tickets, in order to get to the membership level I have had for years. Considering they are essentially "waiving" the annual donation requirements this year, for members to maintain their membership level benefits until next year (season ticket seat locations, etc.), I felt like this was a way to continue my support level through this tough year for the department, staff, coaches, and team.

Also - I purchased a couple of the OHIO IMPACT T-Shirts (for me and family) to support that initiative. They are Very Cool!

Additionally - I purchased the Ohio Bobcats Holiday Pack. Was surprised that the included "mystery item" was a Jeff Boals signed Convo 50th Anniversary commemorative mini basketball - Nice!

RS Bobcat

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Member Since: 12/6/2005
Location: On the road between Athens and Madison County
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/17/2020 12:55:44 PM 
RSBobcat wrote:
I purchased the $500 category. My thought was I was planning an additional Bobcat Club donation this year anyway when I would be purchasing my season basketball tickets, in order to get to the membership level I have had for years. Considering they are essentially "waiving" the annual donation requirements this year, for members to maintain their membership level benefits until next year (season ticket seat locations, etc.), I felt like this was a way to continue my support level through this tough year for the department, staff, coaches, and team.

Also - I purchased a couple of the OHIO IMPACT T-Shirts (for me and family) to support that initiative. They are Very Cool!

Additionally - I purchased the Ohio Bobcats Holiday Pack. Was surprised that the included "mystery item" was a Jeff Boals signed Convo 50th Anniversary commemorative mini basketball - Nice!

Not only are those Ohio Impact shirts cool looking, they're very comfortable. We grabbed a couple about a month ago.
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General User

Member Since: 12/17/2020
Post Count: 1

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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/17/2020 1:45:04 PM 
I think all of the student-athletes and coaches are being tested regularly. I also think the MAC set the policy for fans in attendance. From what I have heard, they are allowing some people to attend. Right now, only guests of student-athletes, coaches and visiting teams are permitted. I heard there are some MAC schools not allowing any fans (including families of student-athletes). Also, I think the state of Ohio has an existing order in place limiting indoor events to 300 spectators. I remember getting some emails that talked about it and I also called the ticket office to ask about getting tickets to a game and was told there was no general public attendance as of right now. To my knowledge, high schools are adhering to that same order for all their indoor sports. Also, I am sure the university makes the final decision regardless of the state and local recommendations. Walmart, Kroger, etc. are essential businesses where people need to go to get food and supplies. An athletic event (high school, college or pro) is not an essential business need for the general public. Since they can't sell real tickets I guess the virtual ticket idea was the best way to get us all excited. Sounds like a good way to ask fans to help out while rewarding them with some cool benefits that don't really affect the budget. Endowments are great, but untouchable in most cases, and from what I have read, budgets have been slashed considerably, so every little bit counts. I commend the Athletics staff for being proactive and innovative. Now let's sellout the Convo, virtually of course!

Long time listener (reader), first time caller.
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General User

Member Since: 12/3/2012
Location: Athens, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: Virtual Convo Sellout
   Posted: 12/17/2020 2:21:34 PM 
drcarlie wrote:
I think all of the student-athletes and coaches are being tested regularly. I also think the MAC set the policy for fans in attendance. From what I have heard, they are allowing some people to attend. Right now, only guests of student-athletes, coaches and visiting teams are permitted. I heard there are some MAC schools not allowing any fans (including families of student-athletes). Also, I think the state of Ohio has an existing order in place limiting indoor events to 300 spectators. I remember getting some emails that talked about it and I also called the ticket office to ask about getting tickets to a game and was told there was no general public attendance as of right now. To my knowledge, high schools are adhering to that same order for all their indoor sports. Also, I am sure the university makes the final decision regardless of the state and local recommendations. Walmart, Kroger, etc. are essential businesses where people need to go to get food and supplies. An athletic event (high school, college or pro) is not an essential business need for the general public. Since they can't sell real tickets I guess the virtual ticket idea was the best way to get us all excited. Sounds like a good way to ask fans to help out while rewarding them with some cool benefits that don't really affect the budget. Endowments are great, but untouchable in most cases, and from what I have read, budgets have been slashed considerably, so every little bit counts. I commend the Athletics staff for being proactive and innovative. Now let's sellout the Convo, virtually of course!

Long time listener (reader), first time caller.

Welcome! "Call" back often!
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