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NCAA Tournament: Ohio vs. Michigan - Image Gallery
Photos taken on Friday, March 16, 2012

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Bobcat BashBobcat Bash 2Bobcat Bash 3Bobcat Bash 4
Baltic driveBaltic, Offutt defenseCooper driveKeely layup
Smith in postTaylor defendJohnson defenseCooper 3-pointer
Baltic in paintCooper strippedKeely in postBaltic defend Novak
Kellogg 3-pointerCheerleadersJohnson jumperKellogg jumper
Baltic driveSmith defenseSmith, Hall defenseCooper layup
Baltic jumperBench celebrationOffutt blockOffutt jumper
HuddleStealCelebrationBench celebration
Bench celebration 2Baltic celebrationTeam celebrationSad Michigan girl
CrowdWashington and fansSchaus and McDavis 

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