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Ohio Football
Topic:  OT: Rutgers-MSU tix selling for $6

Topic:  OT: Rutgers-MSU tix selling for $6
General User

Member Since: 7/8/2010
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  Message Not Read  OT: Rutgers-MSU tix selling for $6
   Posted: 11/8/2016 10:55:33 AM 
http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/local/2016/11/07/msu-r... /

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Buckeye to Bobcat
General User

Member Since: 9/10/2013
Post Count: 1,803

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  Message Not Read  RE: OT: Rutgers-MSU tix selling for $6
   Posted: 11/8/2016 12:46:20 PM 
As someone who brokers tickets all over the country (and actually at Rutgers for basketball ironically), this is not surprising. What you will see time and time again is institutions not understanding what their secondary market can handle in terms of tickets being bought and sold. In this example, there were numerous professional brokers and individual speculators who bought MSU tickets thinking they were going to be a good team. With that, a lot of supply on the market. All of a sudden, as State started to lose games, demand went through the floor and in turn took the ticket prices right with it. Why does this matter? I will say it like this: if you're a season ticket holder who paid $500 for each seat and the guys next to you paid $6 a ticket, would you want to renew those tickets? Me either. It's why you have to make sure value is held in terms of your resale market along with your primary market.

So yes, this can happen, such as OUr games during the midweek. To be honest, our market for a mid-week game at most could sell 50 tickets at a reasonable price versus the tickets currently on the market. Now some of you will ask why do people have these tickets, it's because they bet on the 4 Saturday games being of value to cover the cost of these. But yes, our department does a good job of ensuring enough tickets aren't on the market so that your ticket is not devalued to the point where you don't renew.

Not to throw a personal advertisement, but if you ever need tickets to an event let me know, either I have the tickets or can get them through near zero effort. Feel free to PM me for ticketing advice or if a thread would be of interest let me know, will take any questions and answer them.
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