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Ohio Football
Topic:  The Wrong Guys

Topic:  The Wrong Guys
Monroe Slavin
General User

Member Since: 12/20/2004
Location: Oxnard, CA
Post Count: 9,121

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  Message Not Read  The Wrong Guys
   Posted: 11/4/2015 11:38:18 PM 
Our staff seems to not play the best players.

My two brothers are both alumnus. One doesn't follow us at all or even know this board exists--and I don't tell him about either because I know he'd smirk about how minor league bad we are. The other brother lurks but doesn't post but wanted me to remind that every opponent's D-coordinator sends us a post-game Thank you card for not playing AJ much.

And, could it be more obvious that Irons is our best--most powerful and explosive--back. It's a joke that Irons doesn't play during the prime parts of games.

I wonder why Robbie Walker isn't on the field at receiver. His speed.

This staff seems to play favorites instead of playing the best players.

Tired of seeing teams do the same thing over and over to us and we can't stop it.

Where's the band?!

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Member Since: 11/7/2012
Post Count: 2,391

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  Message Not Read  RE: The Wrong Guys
   Posted: 11/4/2015 11:51:27 PM 
For most programs it is made clear by a certain player isn't playing. I wish we could get any notification as to why A.J. Ouelette is not our feature back? This guy should be getting 25 carries a game and was even shunned on 4th and 1 to start the game. Who knows what happens if we get that key fourth down? And what about Irons? Our small trial sample is that of explosion and power. I don't care if he's playing against second string guys. How about Robbie Walker and Herman Brunis. Solid when played. I just don't get it. Why are we so enamored with Daz as a featured back?
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