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Ohio Football
Topic:  You remember those fans...

Topic:  You remember those fans...
That one crazy fan
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Member Since: 7/21/2010
Location: Iowa City, IA
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  Message Not Read  You remember those fans...
   Posted: 10/25/2015 1:22:31 PM 
...on the other message boards that we all made fun of when they jump ship on their coach? We sound exactly like those fans right now. Things suck, things really suck, but we need to get a grip. Some people who have been on here for years are now leaving the board because they can't stand some of you. And don't give me that "if they can't handle the truth that we are saying, then forget them." Things suck but you don't need to constantly remind us that you were "right."

The opposing team sucks!

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Monroe Slavin
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  Message Not Read  RE: You remember those fans...
   Posted: 10/25/2015 1:37:45 PM 
Andrew--I think that you may be mistaking fan frustration and desire for better performance for animosity directed at people.

There may be some anger at those who fail to be in any way reasonable. (Can it be seriously argued that there's nothing wrong with OUr football?)

But try looking at it this way: We all love OHIO, want a winning team, and are merely sad that it's come to this, that it's taken so long for most to see that we 'naysayers' appear to be correct,

I don't want anyone to lose their job. I'd love if the current staff could get us there.

But it's a sad truth --one that they know when hired-- that coaches are evaluated on their results.

Where's the band?!

The Pets On The Go Collection of pet gear travel bags
The Holiday Tote Bigg Bagg Collection--over-sized, reversible, extra pockets; now love carrying packages as much as you love shopping!

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  Message Not Read  RE: You remember those fans...
   Posted: 10/25/2015 4:58:17 PM 
I thought about those fans on the other boards last week when the hue and cry went up on our board after the WMU loss. But after yesterday -- when Buffalo's defense almost outscored our offense, when we scored fewer than 20 pts for the third time in four MAC games, and when our offense showed absolutely nothing new -- I came to the conclusion that changes should be made at the top. I don't want Solich to go because he's done great things for Ohio football. But we need fresh thinking on the offensive side. If, in fact, the coaches have been talking to other coaches and studying their programs, they obviously haven't learned anything. Start doing new things and maybe the kids will start having fun again.

We will get by.
We will get by.
We will get by.
We will survive.

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Member Since: 9/30/2006
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  Message Not Read  RE: You remember those fans...
   Posted: 10/25/2015 8:23:08 PM 
This team is 5-3 and had a couple bad games. If that's what counts as "free-fall" at Ohio, this program has come farther than even the most optimistic of us would have thought.

It's a couple bad games but I still really like the attitudes and fight of the players on this team. They're not going to just lie down. I'm going to enjoy this team playing hard for at least four more games this year. Whatever happens after that, happens.
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El Gato Roberto
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Member Since: 12/20/2004
Location: Buffalo Grove, IL
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  Message Not Read  RE: You remember those fans...
   Posted: 10/25/2015 8:34:57 PM 
Cats-22 wrote:
This team is 5-3 and had a couple bad games. If that's what counts as "free-fall" at Ohio, this program has come farther than even the most optimistic of us would have thought.

It's a couple bad games but I still really like the attitudes and fight of the players on this team. They're not going to just lie down. I'm going to enjoy this team playing hard for at least four more games this year. Whatever happens after that, happens.

+1 - they played their hearrs out.
I'm holding out for a high note to this season.

"The name's Ohio University, but everybody calls me Ohio. Any of you guys call me Ohio U, and I'll kill you."

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