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Ohio Football
Topic:  A number I like so far

Topic:  A number I like so far
General User

Member Since: 8/31/2005
Location: United States
Post Count: 10,470

Status: Offline

  Message Not Read  A number I like so far
   Posted: 9/14/2015 2:41:39 PM 
It's way to early in the year to reach a lot of conclusions, but one number I look at to judge how a team is doing, and who is winning at the line of scrimmage is the average yards per rushing attempt. Here are the numbers since for the last decade, and the early numbers for this year:
2005 4.5
2006 3.9
2007 3.8
2008 3.9
2009 3.4
2010 4.3
2011 4.6
2012 4.4
2013 3.8
2014 4.2
2015 4.9

This would indicate that so far the offensive line is really making some room, and doing a much better job than the last couple years.

The flip side of this is how the defensive line is doing by the same measure. Here's the same data for the opponents:
2005 4.3
2006 4.0
2007 4.5
2008 4.1
2009 3.9
2010 3.5
2011 4.0
2012 4.4
2013 4.6
2014 3.9
2015 4.8

The 2015 numbers are skewed by some long runs by the opponents. In particular, Marshall's running back had a run of 73 and one of 28 yards. Without those the average would be 3.8. Still, they happened, so they are part of the data, and they indicate an area where Ohio needs to improve. They can't allow those long, uncontested runs right up the middle.

The season has barely started and there's lots of football left to play, but I like the start. Go Bobcats!

Last Edited: 9/14/2015 2:42:38 PM by L.C.

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” ― Epictetus

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Jeff McKinney

Member Since: 11/12/2004
Post Count: 6,127

Status: Offline

  Message Not Read  RE: A number I like so far
   Posted: 9/14/2015 7:43:37 PM 
We kept getting about five yards a carry on first down many times. Marshall finally put a stop to that late in the third quarter until our final drive, but overall, the strength and power of the OL is definitely better than last year.
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