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Topic:  OT: Oh, Chucky Landon.....

Topic:  OT: Oh, Chucky Landon.....
General User

Member Since: 12/13/2011
Location: Wherever Miami and Michigan suck
Post Count: 408

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  Message Not Read  OT: Oh, Chucky Landon.....
   Posted: 1/10/2022 8:35:18 AM 
BobcatAttack's favorite Huntington columnist posted this gem about social media playing a major role in both Jarret Doege leaving WVU and Grant Wells leaving Marshall: https://www.herald-dispatch.com/sports/chuck-landon-socia...

While he's not 100% wrong about the amount of grief WVU fans have directed toward Doege, the Wells shot was very much out of nowhere. Wells himself (and his dad, too) took to Twitter to call out Landon.

Never change, Chuck....

Last Edited: 1/10/2022 9:13:30 AM by Brufus

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Member Since: 12/20/2004
Location: Athens, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: OT: Oh, Chucky Landon.....
   Posted: 1/10/2022 10:39:56 AM 
I haven't seen the tweets by the Wells family; however, Landon does quote Coach Huff on the issue, and he does seem to back up the idea that social media played a role in this situation.

The only BLSS Certified Hypocrite on BA

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Member Since: 12/13/2011
Location: Wherever Miami and Michigan suck
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  Message Not Read  RE: OT: Oh, Chucky Landon.....
   Posted: 1/10/2022 11:39:10 AM 
Grant's quote on Twitter: "This couldn’t be further from the truth. I never felt anything but love from the Huntington community and will always be grateful for that." https://t.co/rLFgeMqxYH&mdash ; Grant Wells (@GrantWells__) January 6, 2022

Last Edited: 1/10/2022 11:39:44 AM by Brufus

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General User

Member Since: 3/10/2012
Post Count: 2,269

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  Message Not Read  RE: OT: Oh, Chucky Landon.....
   Posted: 1/10/2022 12:45:05 PM 
I was checking in on message boards for the Steelers, Chargers, and Raiders last night. As the game went into overtime some Steelers fans were, as unbelievable as this is, convinced that the whole game was a giant conspiracy orchestrated by the NFL to keep the Steelers out. Some were literally threatening to harm Roger Goodell while other fans were in disbelief of these fans lack of ability to accept that they might, you know, actually tie. If the league exists to conspire against the Steelers then why have they won won six Super Bowls? How did the Steelers beat the Ravens when there were so many chances for them to be eliminated? How did the league allow the Colts to lose to the hapless Jaguars? Heck, it would be understandable for the Chargers are Raiders to call plays that allowed for a higher possibility of a tie in return for a lesser chance of winning and losing. The Steelers and Ravens clearly did the opposite. In situations where you might of punted in OT and given yourself a good chance of a tie to not give the other team a chance to beat you they played for a win. There was no sign that the Chargers and Raiders were really even doing that. But no, these people are so immature that if things were not going their way then the only possible explanation is there some boogie man orchestrating things to conspire against you. This sort of denial of what is very probably the actual reality whenever things don't go your way is becoming epidemic. It is so sad.

It isn't quite THAT bad but Landon often goes down these rabbit holes. He often sounds like a whiny baby that substitutes conspiracy theories for his own lack of understanding when things don't go his way. I don't know what we can do about this other than improve our educational system to that is far from a quick solution.

Last Edited: 1/10/2022 12:46:44 PM by Victory

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