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Ohio Football
Topic:  Deja Vu

Topic:  Deja Vu
General User

Member Since: 12/21/2004
Location: Mobile, AL
Post Count: 135

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  Message Not Read  Deja Vu
   Posted: 9/17/2021 3:28:03 PM 
When Tim Albin was elevated to head football coach, it raised a red flag for me. Over the past 50 years or so, whenever Ohio has given the head coaching job to an assistant coach in any of the three major men's sports it has not been successful at all. Here is the list I have come up with. It is quite possible that it is 100% of the time.

Bill Hess Bob Kappes
Jim Grobe Brian Knorr
Frank Solich Tim Albin
Men’s Basketball
Jim Snyder Dale Bandy
Danny Nee Billy Hahn
Bob Wren Jerry France
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Member Since: 3/10/2012
Post Count: 2,269

Status: Offline

  Message Not Read  RE: Deja Vu
   Posted: 9/17/2021 3:41:56 PM 
DXer wrote:
When Tim Albin was elevated to head football coach, it raised a red flag for me. Over the past 50 years or so, whenever Ohio has given the head coaching job to an assistant coach in any of the three major men's sports it has not been successful at all. Here is the list I have come up with. It is quite possible that it is 100% of the time.

Bill Hess Bob Kappes
Jim Grobe Brian Knorr
Frank Solich Tim Albin
Men’s Basketball
Jim Snyder Dale Bandy
Danny Nee Billy Hahn
Bob Wren Jerry France

Yes, this is a terrible track record. In 2001 Ohio was coming off of one its best seasons in the prior 25 years. That's why Grobe was poached. Ohio also had the most returning starters in 1A. The thinking was that a good 2001 season was inevitable as long as there was continuity. A good season certainly didn't happen (1-10) and there wasn't really much continuity. However, I do think nearly every AD would have made a similar decision at the time.

In 2021, Julie Cromer basically had the decision taken out of her hands by the late Solich retirement.
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