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Topic:  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators

Topic:  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
General User

Member Since: 3/2/2005
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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/3/2023 5:47:35 PM 
TheBobcatBandit wrote:
Alan Swank wrote:
ExCat21 wrote:

I look at these as small victories that can lead to more opportunities down the road with NIL, Barstool in Athens for game days, and stuff like that.

Based on what I've observed in Athens the last 44 years, Barstool would not be a welcome entity in Athens.
These purported issues alone would have the local activists up in arms.


Barstool would fit perfectly in Athens a town with a zillion bars. The woke article writers who do nothing but promote division are a in the minority and of course they would hate alternative media like barstool because they are stealing their audience with fun entertaining coverage instead of finger wagging talking down to people.

I think the mac is a perfect fit for barstool. It’s a niche market that isn’t covered as much by the bigger media networks which gives them a hole to fill where they don’t have to compete with ESPN. Doing a weekly gameday during maction like they did with Toledo could take off. Assuming they got the same crowd they did for that game every week.

Yeah, jokes about rape are hilarious.
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General User

Member Since: 12/20/2004
Location: Athens, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/3/2023 8:12:59 PM 
BSC 91 wrote:
Can we PLEASE be rid of the "Bobbies" thing?


The only BLSS Certified Hypocrite on BA

"It is better to be an optimist and be proven a fool than to be a pessimist and be proven right."

Note: My avatar is the national colors of the 78th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, which are now preserved in a climate controlled vault at the Ohio History Connection. Learn more about the old 78th at: http://www.78ohio.org

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Alan Swank
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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/3/2023 8:58:58 PM 
TheBobcatBandit wrote:
Alan Swank wrote:
ExCat21 wrote:

I look at these as small victories that can lead to more opportunities down the road with NIL, Barstool in Athens for game days, and stuff like that.

Based on what I've observed in Athens the last 44 years, Barstool would not be a welcome entity in Athens.
These purported issues alone would have the local activists up in arms.


The woke article writers who do nothing but promote division

In some cases perhaps because as the old saying goes, whatever it takes to sell papers. But I would suggest that perhaps there are some writers and more importantly private citizens who point our bigotry, racism, misogyny and a whole host of other transgressions when they see them. In the case of this "media" outlet, it's a whole lot more than your so called "woke" individuals.

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Member Since: 8/25/2013
Post Count: 618

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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/3/2023 11:39:03 PM 
Alan Swank wrote:
TheBobcatBandit wrote:
Alan Swank wrote:
ExCat21 wrote:

I look at these as small victories that can lead to more opportunities down the road with NIL, Barstool in Athens for game days, and stuff like that.

Based on what I've observed in Athens the last 44 years, Barstool would not be a welcome entity in Athens.
These purported issues alone would have the local activists up in arms.


The woke article writers who do nothing but promote division

In some cases perhaps because as the old saying goes, whatever it takes to sell papers. But I would suggest that perhaps there are some writers and more importantly private citizens who point our bigotry, racism, misogyny and a whole host of other transgressions when they see them. In the case of this "media" outlet, it's a whole lot more than your so called "woke" individuals.

Looking at the articles on media matters home page it seems like less a media outlet and more a propaganda outlet. I don’t want to derail the thread on that but I’m not saying barstool is perfect, I’m sure they have their flaws, as does everyone, but they are clearly funny and entertaining as so many other users here said when describing their reaction to how they ran the bowl game broadcast. If they do something criminal then have the authorities deal with it. If you don’t like something then say, say why you don’t like it and why. If people don’t like what they are doing then don’t watch. But just because you don’t like what they’re doing doesn’t mean other people don’t, and you can’t cancel someone just because you don’t like them. Let the people who do like them enjoy it and go about your own business or contact the law or say something if needed. Activist should have bigger things to be up in arms about then a silly sports betting company. They might make a bad joke trying to be funny but who hasn’t done that. My first grade teacher once said sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Lots of people getting mad about words vs getting mad about actions.
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General User

Member Since: 8/25/2013
Post Count: 618

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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/3/2023 11:51:42 PM 
postlikeTrent wrote:
TheBobcatBandit wrote:
Alan Swank wrote:
ExCat21 wrote:

I look at these as small victories that can lead to more opportunities down the road with NIL, Barstool in Athens for game days, and stuff like that.

Based on what I've observed in Athens the last 44 years, Barstool would not be a welcome entity in Athens.
These purported issues alone would have the local activists up in arms.


Barstool would fit perfectly in Athens a town with a zillion bars. The woke article writers who do nothing but promote division are a in the minority and of course they would hate alternative media like barstool because they are stealing their audience with fun entertaining coverage instead of finger wagging talking down to people.

I think the mac is a perfect fit for barstool. It’s a niche market that isn’t covered as much by the bigger media networks which gives them a hole to fill where they don’t have to compete with ESPN. Doing a weekly gameday during maction like they did with Toledo could take off. Assuming they got the same crowd they did for that game every week.

Yeah, jokes about rape are hilarious.

Please tell me where I said they were funny. I’m offended by the fact you think I think rape jokes are funny. I hate rapist and think it wrong. It’s extremely offensive you suggested otherwise. Now you might say I’m misunderstanding what you said. But as far as I’m concerned you might as well called me a rapist.. I’m sure if I followed you around and recorded everything you said I could write a long article about all the terrible things you’ve said and say you’re a bad person because of it.Or I could twist what you say as many of these articles do and make it seem like you are for one thing when that’s not what you’re for at all. Which is what you just did above. You didn’t address any of my points you tried to change what I said completely into saying I think rape jokes are funny. I see what you did there. It’s gross.

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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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Member Since: 7/30/2010
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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/4/2023 7:10:55 AM 
TheBobcatBandit wrote:

Looking at the articles on media matters home page it seems like less a media outlet and more a propaganda outlet.

You've unironically referred to someone as a "woke writer" who "does nothing but divide" and are now calling Media Matters propaganda because you disagree with their criticisms of. . .Barstool Sports. You might want to take a deep breath, man.

TheBobcatBandit wrote:

I don’t want to derail the thread on that but I’m not saying barstool is perfect, I’m sure they have their flaws, as does everyone, but they are clearly funny and entertaining as so many other users here said when describing their reaction to how they ran the bowl game broadcast. If they do something criminal then have the authorities deal with it. If you don’t like something then say, say why you don’t like it and why.

This is exactly what's happening, and yet you're railing about propaganda, wokeness and cancel culture. Barstool just sponsored and hosted a Bowl Game. They haven't been cancelled, and the suggestion they have been is ridiculous.

What's your view here, exactly? That MediaMatters shouldn't write about them because you disagree with what they think?

TheBobcatBandit wrote:

Activist should have bigger things to be up in arms about then a silly sports betting company.

Activists? What are you talking about? MediaMatters is a publication that covers the media. Barstool is a media company. I guess MediaMatters shouldn't exist because Barstool isn't as important as world hunger?

TheBobcatBandit wrote:

They might make a bad joke trying to be funny but who hasn’t done that. My first grade teacher once said sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Lots of people getting mad about words vs getting mad about actions.

You are, by far, the most worked up about words. We're so through the looking glass here, it's hilarious. You just called a media source propaganda because you're offended by their ideas, and think you're the one crusading against cancel culture.

It's exceedingly easy to not think twice about a year old article about Barstool. And any logical view makes clear they haven't been cancelled by a woke mob. The insistence otherwise is just more of the perpetual victimhood Americans have become addicted to.
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spongeBOB CATpants
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Member Since: 8/16/2016
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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/4/2023 11:29:06 AM 
BSC 91 wrote:
spongeBOB CATpants wrote:
Different doesn't always equal bad/worse. I was skeptical going in but thought they did a decent job for the most part, this game was a layup for this crew to keep in entertaining.

In order to truly appreciate pretty much every facet of this presentation, you must follow the company on social or listen to their podcasts.

Big Cat was all for Ohio tonight and I think he brought the most football "knowledge" to the broadcast. To those unfamiliar, I recommend listening to couple episodes of Pardon My Take, you may form a different opinion after or may hate them even more.

I could've done without Portnoy but no way he's going to pass up this opportunity to run his mouth for 4 hours.

All in all I rate this bowl a 6.9 (think pizza review). Not good, not horrible. Would've liked to have been in a higher payout but I guess it doesn't matter that much.

#RollBobbies #TeamBigCat

Can we PLEASE be rid of the "Bobbies" thing?

Nah, I'd rather us have a hashtag that promotes OUr athletics and school pride and is used enthusiastically with the current student body than not have one at all.
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Chris Galloway
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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/4/2023 1:13:46 PM 
I enjoyed it as did those watching with me. Sophomoric at times? Yup. So? A lot of fun. Even the commercials were a trip.

Go Bobcats!

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General User

Member Since: 8/25/2013
Post Count: 618

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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/4/2023 3:54:36 PM 
Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame wrote:
TheBobcatBandit wrote:

Looking at the articles on media matters home page it seems like less a media outlet and more a propaganda outlet.

You've unironically referred to someone as a "woke writer" who "does nothing but divide" and are now calling Media Matters propaganda because you disagree with their criticisms of. . .Barstool Sports. You might want to take a deep breath, man.

TheBobcatBandit wrote:

I don’t want to derail the thread on that but I’m not saying barstool is perfect, I’m sure they have their flaws, as does everyone, but they are clearly funny and entertaining as so many other users here said when describing their reaction to how they ran the bowl game broadcast. If they do something criminal then have the authorities deal with it. If you don’t like something then say, say why you don’t like it and why.

This is exactly what's happening, and yet you're railing about propaganda, wokeness and cancel culture. Barstool just sponsored and hosted a Bowl Game. They haven't been cancelled, and the suggestion they have been is ridiculous.

What's your view here, exactly? That MediaMatters shouldn't write about them because you disagree with what they think?

TheBobcatBandit wrote:

Activist should have bigger things to be up in arms about then a silly sports betting company.

Activists? What are you talking about? MediaMatters is a publication that covers the media. Barstool is a media company. I guess MediaMatters shouldn't exist because Barstool isn't as important as world hunger?

TheBobcatBandit wrote:

They might make a bad joke trying to be funny but who hasn’t done that. My first grade teacher once said sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Lots of people getting mad about words vs getting mad about actions.

You are, by far, the most worked up about words. We're so through the looking glass here, it's hilarious. You just called a media source propaganda because you're offended by their ideas, and think you're the one crusading against cancel culture.

It's exceedingly easy to not think twice about a year old article about Barstool. And any logical view makes clear they haven't been cancelled by a woke mob. The insistence otherwise is just more of the perpetual victimhood Americans have become addicted to.

Go back to the original comment I responded too, it suggested that local activist wouldn’t welcome barstool to Athens. It is implied there that they would be protested or attempted to be canceled if they came. I imagined this. https://youtube.com/watch?v=J5oxl2THu_k&feature=shares which happened not that long ago. The original post may have meant their wouldn’t be a market in Athens for barstool when he said local activist and not this but this is what I imagined. If he meant not a market I would disagree as many users enjoyed the bowl. Think if they enjoyed that they will enjoy other content by them. I’m not offended by their ideas at all or mad about them I’m just pointing out they are biased propaganda. Not because of barstool as you just lied about but because of other stories on their home page which are all one sided coverage on whatever story it is. I said I don’t want to derail thread on that yet here you are derailing my point and twisting my words again like you have done before in other threads. My point is there are people in Athens who would love barstool in Athens and I think it would be great if they started doing a Mac gameday show. I don’t know if they want to do that or if is feasible but if they did think would be great for bring money to Athens and advertising for Ohio university. Would also be great for Mac football to get national highlighted coverage that ESPN doesn’t provide. I have no problem with criticism of them but I would think it silly to have a physical protest to try to make them feel unwelcome.

Last Edited: 1/4/2023 4:02:00 PM by TheBobcatBandit

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General User

Member Since: 12/20/2004
Location: Athens, OH
Post Count: 14,431

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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/4/2023 4:18:12 PM 
TheBobcatBandit wrote:
Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame wrote:
TheBobcatBandit wrote:

Looking at the articles on media matters home page it seems like less a media outlet and more a propaganda outlet.

You've unironically referred to someone as a "woke writer" who "does nothing but divide" and are now calling Media Matters propaganda because you disagree with their criticisms of. . .Barstool Sports. You might want to take a deep breath, man.

TheBobcatBandit wrote:

I don’t want to derail the thread on that but I’m not saying barstool is perfect, I’m sure they have their flaws, as does everyone, but they are clearly funny and entertaining as so many other users here said when describing their reaction to how they ran the bowl game broadcast. If they do something criminal then have the authorities deal with it. If you don’t like something then say, say why you don’t like it and why.

This is exactly what's happening, and yet you're railing about propaganda, wokeness and cancel culture. Barstool just sponsored and hosted a Bowl Game. They haven't been cancelled, and the suggestion they have been is ridiculous.

What's your view here, exactly? That MediaMatters shouldn't write about them because you disagree with what they think?

TheBobcatBandit wrote:

Activist should have bigger things to be up in arms about then a silly sports betting company.

Activists? What are you talking about? MediaMatters is a publication that covers the media. Barstool is a media company. I guess MediaMatters shouldn't exist because Barstool isn't as important as world hunger?

TheBobcatBandit wrote:

They might make a bad joke trying to be funny but who hasn’t done that. My first grade teacher once said sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Lots of people getting mad about words vs getting mad about actions.

You are, by far, the most worked up about words. We're so through the looking glass here, it's hilarious. You just called a media source propaganda because you're offended by their ideas, and think you're the one crusading against cancel culture.

It's exceedingly easy to not think twice about a year old article about Barstool. And any logical view makes clear they haven't been cancelled by a woke mob. The insistence otherwise is just more of the perpetual victimhood Americans have become addicted to.

Go back to the original comment I responded too, it suggested that local activist wouldn’t welcome barstool to Athens. It is implied there that they would be protested or attempted to be canceled if they came. I imagined this. https://youtube.com/watch?v=J5oxl2THu_k&feature=shares which happened not that long ago. The original post may have meant their wouldn’t be a market in Athens for barstool when he said local activist and not this but this is what I imagined. If he meant not a market I would disagree as many users enjoyed the bowl. Think if they enjoyed that they will enjoy other content by them. I’m not offended by their ideas at all or mad about them I’m just pointing out they are biased propaganda. Not because of barstool as you just lied about but because of other stories on their home page which are all one sided coverage on whatever story it is. I said I don’t want to derail thread on that yet here you are derailing my point and twisting my words again like you have done before in other threads. My point is there are people in Athens who would love barstool in Athens and I think it would be great if they started doing a Mac gameday show. I don’t know if they want to do that or if is feasible but if they did think would be great for bring money to Athens and advertising for Ohio university. Would also be great for Mac football to get national highlighted coverage that ESPN doesn’t provide. I have no problem with criticism of them but I would think it silly to have a physical protest to try to make them feel unwelcome.

Distorting other people's words is one of the things BLSS does best. In his mind he's won every single discussion (err . . . argument) he's ever had on BA. He will always get the last word. One of his all time classics with me is telling me I'm weak on my nearly absolutist First Amendment stance because I oppose teaching 3rd graders about transgenderism. The fact that we are talking about children in a manditory attendance environment were crucial factors in my argument that he completely dismissed with his smarter-than-though language. He will never grant that you've made a significant point, or one that he should consider as in the slightest way changing his preconceived ideas. He'll rip me for what I've just said, but I'm beyond caring about anything he says at this point.

The only BLSS Certified Hypocrite on BA

"It is better to be an optimist and be proven a fool than to be a pessimist and be proven right."

Note: My avatar is the national colors of the 78th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, which are now preserved in a climate controlled vault at the Ohio History Connection. Learn more about the old 78th at: http://www.78ohio.org

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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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Member Since: 7/30/2010
Post Count: 3,777

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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/4/2023 4:29:59 PM 
OhioCatFan wrote:

One of his all time classics with me is telling me I'm weak on my nearly absolutist First Amendment stance because I oppose teaching 3rd graders about transgenderism.

This is absolute nonsense and if you can quote me on this I'll donate $1000 to the charity of your choice.

Of course, we know you won't and everybody here knows why.

OhioCatFan wrote:

I'm beyond caring about anything he says at this point.

Your way of being beyond caring is to re-surface an argument from 10 months ago. I live in your head, and we both know why. So do an awful lot of people on this board. You're intellectually dishonest, and in this case, just blatantly dishonest. But there are the receipts for anybody that cares enough to look. I said nothing of the sort.

Edit -- Here's the link to our two conversations about this:



Now that you have the links, it should make it very, very easy for you to raise money for a cause you care about. And when you choose not to respond, and fail to provide evidence for what you accused me of, it'll just be another of many examples I've highlighted of your dishonesty and hypocrisy.

Last Edited: 1/4/2023 5:02:37 PM by Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame

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General User

Member Since: 12/20/2004
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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/4/2023 4:42:19 PM 
OCF just makes shit up.
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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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Member Since: 7/30/2010
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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/4/2023 4:44:11 PM 
SBH wrote:
OCF just makes shit up.

I think he's just senile. But if he wants to provide proof of what he's accused me of, I'm happy to donate $1000 to any cause he wants. Even though it'll probably be a charity that furthers the cause of people shouting about the civil war to people who didn't ask.
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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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Member Since: 7/30/2010
Post Count: 3,777

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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/4/2023 4:45:40 PM 
TheBobcatBandit wrote:

Go back to the original comment I responded too, it suggested that local activist wouldn’t welcome barstool to Athens.

You're right, sorry. I missed the original comment about the "activists" -- I thought you were referring to MediaMatters as the activist. My bad.

TheBobcatBandit wrote:

The original post may have meant their wouldn’t be a market in Athens for barstool when he said local activist and not this but this is what I imagined. If he meant not a market I would disagree as many users enjoyed the bowl. Think if they enjoyed that they will enjoy other content by them.

For what it's worth, I agree with this. Hence my point that Barstool's far from cancelled. Their content's popular, and I don't even think it's particularly controversial.

TheBobcatBandit wrote:

I’m not offended by their ideas at all or mad about them I’m just pointing out they are biased propaganda. Not because of barstool as you just lied about but because of other stories on their home page which are all one sided coverage on whatever story it is.

This is where I take issue with your characterization. Do you really think you're using the phrase "propaganda" correctly here, or is that a hugely loaded phrase that you're using for effect?

Also, c'mon dude. "As I just lied about"? We're talking about MediaMatters solely in the context of a link somebody posted about Barstool. That you glanced at their homepage and have concluded it's all "one sided" is overly simplistic, and betrays your own bias. Are you really suggesting that there's literally nothing of merit offered my MediaMatter and that they've never approached a story without "propaganda" in mind?

I mean, how many MediaMatter stories have you read?

TheBobcatBandit wrote:

I said I don’t want to derail thread on that yet here you are derailing my point and twisting my words again like you have done before in other threads.

I quoted your words and replied to them. It makes that one poster whose name I can't remember very annoyed when I quote people, but it's the reason I do it. Which ones did I twist?

TheBobcatBandit wrote:

My point is there are people in Athens who would love barstool in Athens and I think it would be great if they started doing a Mac gameday show. I don’t know if they want to do that or if is feasible but if they did think would be great for bring money to Athens and advertising for Ohio university. Would also be great for Mac football to get national highlighted coverage that ESPN doesn’t provide.

I agree with all of this.

TheBobcatBandit wrote:

I have no problem with criticism of them but I would think it silly to have a physical protest to try to make them feel unwelcome.

It seems like you had a pretty big problem with criticism of them, given that you called MediaMatters "propaganda" and "woke writers who do nothing but divide."

I completely agree protests against Barstool would be ridiculous. But when you saw valid criticism of Barstool -- and it is valid, even if ultimately insignificant -- you attempted to dismiss the entire outlet as propaganda. What's your stance here, exactly? That you're "totally fine with criticism of them but in this case, it's woke propaganda and so is everything else MediaMatters published?"

It seems your actual stance is more that Barstool does and says some things that people might find problematic, but ultimately it's entertaining and not meant to harm people, and on the balance it's fine. I agree with that. But there's no doubt that some of what Barstool has done is shitty. You and I both know it.

And given that, there's gonna be criticism, and that criticism isn't just "propaganda" -- it's real reporting about real things that happened, and people can decide for themselves how much it matters to them.

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Member Since: 12/20/2004
Location: Athens, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/4/2023 5:38:49 PM 
BLSS, you know you said it. I'm not going to waste my time looking it up, because you know exactly what you said and it's not worth my time arguing with such an intellictually dishonest person as you have proved to be. As for SBH, he can't get over the fact that I once misremembered a time sequence regarding Vern Alden. When I realized my error, I came on and admitted it. You might call that senility, if you want, but I don't really care. I've yet to see you post your medical credentials, but since you've just made up your whole resume on BA, as another poster recently pointed out, you might as well add that you've been going to Columbia's medical school in your spare time.

The only BLSS Certified Hypocrite on BA

"It is better to be an optimist and be proven a fool than to be a pessimist and be proven right."

Note: My avatar is the national colors of the 78th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, which are now preserved in a climate controlled vault at the Ohio History Connection. Learn more about the old 78th at: http://www.78ohio.org

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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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Member Since: 7/30/2010
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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/4/2023 5:50:28 PM 
OhioCatFan wrote:
BLSS, you know you said it.

Yeah, I didn't. And I provided proof in the form of links to the actual conversations. That you want to ignore those says everything that needs to be said.

OhioCatFan wrote:

I'm not going to waste my time looking it up, because you know exactly what you said and it's not worth my time arguing with such an intellictually dishonest person as you have proved to be.

I'm so intellectually dishonest that I provided links to what I said and asked for evidence. And you -- the intellectually honest person -- refuse to look and provide evidence for your accusation.

Adds up.

OhioCatFan wrote:

You might call that senility, if you want, but I don't really care. I've yet to see you post your medical credentials, but since you've just made up your whole resume on BA, as another poster recently pointed out, you might as well add that you've been going to Columbia's medical school in your spare time.

I truly have no idea what you're talking about. Medical credentials? When did I claim to have medical credentials? I've talked plenty about what I do here when it's been relevant, and it has nothing to do with medicine. Or are you saying SBH made up his resume? Truly my man, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Edit: Oh, I pieced it together despite your senility. You're referring to the dude that thinks I'm Bobcat Love? I'm not. You asked me that once, in fact. I gave you the answer. It was the honest answer, and continues to be the honest answer. That you've made up some weird conspiracy about me just underscores how oddly obsessed with me you seem to be. I'm happy to talk and have a conversation off the internet so you can understand I'm a real person who just happens to disagree with you on things. But just like the link to our previous conversations and the offer of a charitable donation (which, by the way, would be made in my name and further prove I'm not making up my resume), I know you won't take me up on that.

Why? Because you're intellectually dishonest and afraid to face just how wrong you are about all of these things.

Last Edited: 1/4/2023 6:01:29 PM by Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame

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Member Since: 8/25/2013
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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/4/2023 11:02:10 PM 
Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame wrote:

I completely agree protests against Barstool would be ridiculous.

This was my main point. along with barstool could fill a void ESPN doesn’t fill with their coverage of the mac. And if barstool did like a college gameday for maction would be cool. Let’s agree to disagree on media matters we need a whole other thread for that subject.
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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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Member Since: 7/30/2010
Post Count: 3,777

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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/4/2023 11:40:05 PM 
OCF, just re-stating the offer. It's a real offer, and I'll send you the receipt.

$1000 to the charity of your choice. I'm partial to the Joe Burrow Hunger Relief Fund, but it's up to you. All you need to do is click the links I provided above and quote where I said that you're "weak on [your] nearly absolutist First Amendment stance because [you] oppose teaching 3rd graders about transgenderism."

You keep saying I said it, so it should be easy to find. $1000 to the Joe Burrow Hunger Relief Fund. What do you say? 3 minutes of your time to help food insecure Appalachian families.

Seems very weird that you wouldn't do it, given the impact it would have. And as an added bonus, the receipt will have my name on it so you'll also get to to the bottom of your other very weird accusation about "my resume" at the same time.
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Andrew Ruck
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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/5/2023 4:10:56 PM 
We should create a BLSS forum to send all the endless political/cultural debates to.

Andrew Ruck
B.B.A. 2003

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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/5/2023 5:12:37 PM 
Andrew Ruck wrote:
We should create a BLSS forum to send all the endless political/cultural debates to.

In this forum you're suggesting, will OCF do 3 minutes of work to get $1000 over to the charity of his choice? If so, I'm down.
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spongeBOB CATpants
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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/5/2023 8:26:53 PM 
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BSC 91
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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/5/2023 10:37:23 PM 
spongeBOB CATpants wrote:
BSC 91 wrote:
spongeBOB CATpants wrote:
Different doesn't always equal bad/worse. I was skeptical going in but thought they did a decent job for the most part, this game was a layup for this crew to keep in entertaining.

In order to truly appreciate pretty much every facet of this presentation, you must follow the company on social or listen to their podcasts.

Big Cat was all for Ohio tonight and I think he brought the most football "knowledge" to the broadcast. To those unfamiliar, I recommend listening to couple episodes of Pardon My Take, you may form a different opinion after or may hate them even more.

I could've done without Portnoy but no way he's going to pass up this opportunity to run his mouth for 4 hours.

All in all I rate this bowl a 6.9 (think pizza review). Not good, not horrible. Would've liked to have been in a higher payout but I guess it doesn't matter that much.

#RollBobbies #TeamBigCat

Can we PLEASE be rid of the "Bobbies" thing?

Nah, I'd rather us have a hashtag that promotes OUr athletics and school pride and is used enthusiastically with the current student body than not have one at all.

That's an excellent false dichotomy.
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spongeBOB CATpants
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Member Since: 8/16/2016
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  Message Not Read  RE: Barstool Sports Commentators
   Posted: 1/6/2023 9:28:34 AM 
BSC 91 wrote:
spongeBOB CATpants wrote:
BSC 91 wrote:
spongeBOB CATpants wrote:
Different doesn't always equal bad/worse. I was skeptical going in but thought they did a decent job for the most part, this game was a layup for this crew to keep in entertaining.

In order to truly appreciate pretty much every facet of this presentation, you must follow the company on social or listen to their podcasts.

Big Cat was all for Ohio tonight and I think he brought the most football "knowledge" to the broadcast. To those unfamiliar, I recommend listening to couple episodes of Pardon My Take, you may form a different opinion after or may hate them even more.

I could've done without Portnoy but no way he's going to pass up this opportunity to run his mouth for 4 hours.

All in all I rate this bowl a 6.9 (think pizza review). Not good, not horrible. Would've liked to have been in a higher payout but I guess it doesn't matter that much.

#RollBobbies #TeamBigCat

Can we PLEASE be rid of the "Bobbies" thing?

Nah, I'd rather us have a hashtag that promotes OUr athletics and school pride and is used enthusiastically with the current student body than not have one at all.

That's an excellent false dichotomy.

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