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The O Zone
Topic:  LOST

Topic:  LOST
General User

Member Since: 8/3/2006
Post Count: 5,712

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   Posted: 1/28/2012 6:36:59 PM 
I sat in front of the Ozone at the Miami game so I will post this here in addition to the Basketbal thread

In the mad crush ensuing the Miami game I got pinned in the new Bobcat Black seats. When I extricated my self I gathered my things and left a black camera bag under the table. When I had returned it was not there. I have spent the time trying to contact the appropriate folk to enquire if someone had turned it in and waited patiently for that to happen.

Unforunately it has not shown up.

At this point I really do not care about the Nikon, Go Pro or Canon cameras and lenses as the person who needed the equipment more than I is probably making very good use of it or the money it should produce...I would however appreciate it if you can stick the SD cards in the mail.
If by some chance you have been waiting for someone to claim it please drop it in the basketball office, I am sure they can find me. If you are going to keep the equiment that's fine.... just please drop the SD cards in the mail. I have 6 years of kids on those things and can not duplicate all that I did not move to computers. Enjoy. Thanks

Just drop off at the Basketball office or send anonymously to

3305 N Everbrook Ln
Muncie IN 47304

Thank you in advance.

never argue with idiots, they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Winter comes and asks how you spent your summer.....

The game loves and rewards those who love and reward the game

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