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Topic:  Dining Hall

Topic:  Dining Hall
Andrew Ruck
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  Message Not Read  Dining Hall
   Posted: 9/26/2023 12:13:47 PM 
One of the true ways to any teen boys heart, but especially mine, is food. On our various trips to Athens in which I stealthily indoctrinate them into Ohio University, we walk around various campus greens and have a great time. I've thought in the past I could really get them amped up for committing to Athens if I brought them to a dining hall to enjoy.

Point is, does anyone know if visitors / non-students can walk in and pay to eat at the Dining Halls? Thanks.

Andrew Ruck
B.B.A. 2003

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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 9/26/2023 12:25:55 PM 
Eat up!
https://www.ohio.edu/food/meal-plans/guests#:~:text=Group... .
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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 9/26/2023 1:00:17 PM 
Andrew Ruck wrote:
One of the true ways to any teen boys heart, but especially mine, is food. On our various trips to Athens in which I stealthily indoctrinate them into Ohio University, we walk around various campus greens and have a great time. I've thought in the past I could really get them amped up for committing to Athens if I brought them to a dining hall to enjoy.

Point is, does anyone know if visitors / non-students can walk in and pay to eat at the Dining Halls? Thanks.

Are your kids at an age that they could go to overnight camps during the summer? Going to basketball and soccer camps at Miami and eating every meal in the dining hall was a highlight. I roomed with my cousin for basketball and he thought it was so cool that no one could stop him from having Pepsi at every meal.
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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 9/26/2023 2:25:38 PM 
If you do not do the dining hall (which is a cool idea) West 82 could do in a pinch.


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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 9/26/2023 4:22:24 PM 
My son, a high school junior, has narrowed his college choices to Ohio University and Otterbein. When asked why, he'll tell you that his experiences in their dining halls rated a 5-star each. He has visited both Boyd and Nelson dining halls at Ohio University while visiting his older sister when she was a frosh/soph in 2017-19. He ate at Otterbein while on a campus visit all Newark students experience in 6th grade.

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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 9/26/2023 4:27:35 PM 
Another influence no doubt was my attendance at OU 1 (Athens) and my son's stellar career at OU 2 (Otterbein).

As far as dining halls go, the best of the best (Jefferson Cafe) is sadly gone, as are some of its best and most colorful employees.

Last Edited: 9/26/2023 8:42:04 PM by SBH

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Ryan Carey
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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 9/27/2023 10:03:42 AM 
My current HS senior is going through his college selection right now. We did a few tours last year of his top interests. We did an Ohio University Discovery Day about a year ago. It was by far the best experience we had out of the 4 college visits. Very well ran, lots of different options of activities to choose, presentations to see, workshops to help students to actually do the application process right there, an introduction by the president, academic interest tours and meetings with faculty and students from the prospective major, etc. Most schools we had a video shown then a guided tour and nothing else. Maybe other schools have these big "discovery" days and we just didn't do them, but the Ohio one certainly stood out.

Anyways, during the Ohio visit when we split off to the engineering school, we were given tickets to eat at Byod Hall. Seemed to be my son's favorite part of the day and he still makes references to it. Was also fun to me to eat where I did every day as a freshman decades before, albeit a LOT different. Added bonus was Ryors was setup as the "demo" dorm...which has also changed a lot from my freshman year!

Ryan M. Carey
BBA 2001

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Alan Swank
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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 9/27/2023 10:18:32 AM 
Ryan Carey wrote:
My current HS senior is going through his college selection right now. We did a few tours last year of his top interests. We did an Ohio University Discovery Day about a year ago. It was by far the best experience we had out of the 4 college visits. Very well ran, lots of different options of activities to choose, presentations to see, workshops to help students to actually do the application process right there, an introduction by the president, academic interest tours and meetings with faculty and students from the prospective major, etc. Most schools we had a video shown then a guided tour and nothing else. Maybe other schools have these big "discovery" days and we just didn't do them, but the Ohio one certainly stood out.

Anyways, during the Ohio visit when we split off to the engineering school, we were given tickets to eat at Byod Hall. Seemed to be my son's favorite part of the day and he still makes references to it. Was also fun to me to eat where I did every day as a freshman decades before, albeit a LOT different. Added bonus was Ryors was setup as the "demo" dorm...which has also changed a lot from my freshman year!

With one about to enter college, you have part of the "lingo" down with dining hall versus cafeteria. As a former dean of students once corrected me, it's residence hall and not dorm, and first year student not freshman. Only in higher ed. :)

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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 9/27/2023 10:50:18 AM 
Ryan Carey wrote:
My current HS senior is going through his college selection right now. We did a few tours last year of his top interests. We did an Ohio University Discovery Day about a year ago. It was by far the best experience we had out of the 4 college visits. Very well ran, lots of different options of activities to choose, presentations to see, workshops to help students to actually do the application process right there, an introduction by the president, academic interest tours and meetings with faculty and students from the prospective major, etc. Most schools we had a video shown then a guided tour and nothing else. Maybe other schools have these big "discovery" days and we just didn't do them, but the Ohio one certainly stood out.

Anyways, during the Ohio visit when we split off to the engineering school, we were given tickets to eat at Byod Hall. Seemed to be my son's favorite part of the day and he still makes references to it. Was also fun to me to eat where I did every day as a freshman decades before, albeit a LOT different. Added bonus was Ryors was setup as the "demo" dorm...which has also changed a lot from my freshman year!

Glad to hear Ohio is pulling out all stops during Discovery Days. Our older son had a similar experience at Slippery Rock, where they had faculty members engage with students. It was impressive...and my son ended up graduating from "The Rock."

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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 9/27/2023 11:13:21 AM 
Alan Swank wrote:
Ryan Carey wrote:
My current HS senior is going through his college selection right now. We did a few tours last year of his top interests. We did an Ohio University Discovery Day about a year ago. It was by far the best experience we had out of the 4 college visits. Very well ran, lots of different options of activities to choose, presentations to see, workshops to help students to actually do the application process right there, an introduction by the president, academic interest tours and meetings with faculty and students from the prospective major, etc. Most schools we had a video shown then a guided tour and nothing else. Maybe other schools have these big "discovery" days and we just didn't do them, but the Ohio one certainly stood out.

Anyways, during the Ohio visit when we split off to the engineering school, we were given tickets to eat at Byod Hall. Seemed to be my son's favorite part of the day and he still makes references to it. Was also fun to me to eat where I did every day as a freshman decades before, albeit a LOT different. Added bonus was Ryors was setup as the "demo" dorm...which has also changed a lot from my freshman year!

With one about to enter college, you have part of the "lingo" down with dining hall versus cafeteria. As a former dean of students once corrected me, it's residence hall and not dorm, and first year student not freshman. Only in higher ed. :)

In the Navy we still have "mess halls," "mess decks," "officer mess rooms," and gallies. There is something to be said for maintaining traditions. I still say dorm, cafeteria, and freshman.

The only BLSS Certified Hypocrite on BA

"It is better to be an optimist and be proven a fool than to be a pessimist and be proven right."

Note: My avatar is the national colors of the 78th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, which are now preserved in a climate controlled vault at the Ohio History Connection. Learn more about the old 78th at: http://www.78ohio.org

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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 9/27/2023 7:56:57 PM 
Alan Swank wrote:
Ryan Carey wrote:

With one about to enter college, you have part of the "lingo" down with dining hall versus cafeteria. As a former dean of students once corrected me, it's residence hall and not dorm, and first year student not freshman. Only in higher ed. :)

First year student=okay. But how about a seventh year student, may they call themselves seniors or does the lingo require you to embarrass yourself in front of all?

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Andrew Ruck
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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 9/28/2023 10:23:34 AM 
shabamon wrote:
Andrew Ruck wrote:
One of the true ways to any teen boys heart, but especially mine, is food. On our various trips to Athens in which I stealthily indoctrinate them into Ohio University, we walk around various campus greens and have a great time. I've thought in the past I could really get them amped up for committing to Athens if I brought them to a dining hall to enjoy.

Point is, does anyone know if visitors / non-students can walk in and pay to eat at the Dining Halls? Thanks.

Are your kids at an age that they could go to overnight camps during the summer? Going to basketball and soccer camps at Miami and eating every meal in the dining hall was a highlight. I roomed with my cousin for basketball and he thought it was so cool that no one could stop him from having Pepsi at every meal.

Yes they have done a few things like that and always love the food. My freshman is destined for more like a freshman 50 instead of 15...his passion for food and lack of discipline to stop eating is prolific.

Thanks for the info, I hate being the guy to ask questions for things that are easy to google but I never dreamt the info would be online.

Andrew Ruck
B.B.A. 2003

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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 9/28/2023 4:29:03 PM 
OhioCatFan wrote:
Alan Swank wrote:
Ryan Carey wrote:
My current HS senior is going through his college selection right now. We did a few tours last year of his top interests. We did an Ohio University Discovery Day about a year ago. It was by far the best experience we had out of the 4 college visits. Very well ran, lots of different options of activities to choose, presentations to see, workshops to help students to actually do the application process right there, an introduction by the president, academic interest tours and meetings with faculty and students from the prospective major, etc. Most schools we had a video shown then a guided tour and nothing else. Maybe other schools have these big "discovery" days and we just didn't do them, but the Ohio one certainly stood out.

Anyways, during the Ohio visit when we split off to the engineering school, we were given tickets to eat at Byod Hall. Seemed to be my son's favorite part of the day and he still makes references to it. Was also fun to me to eat where I did every day as a freshman decades before, albeit a LOT different. Added bonus was Ryors was setup as the "demo" dorm...which has also changed a lot from my freshman year!

With one about to enter college, you have part of the "lingo" down with dining hall versus cafeteria. As a former dean of students once corrected me, it's residence hall and not dorm, and first year student not freshman. Only in higher ed. :)

In the Navy we still have "mess halls," "mess decks," "officer mess rooms," and gallies. There is something to be said for maintaining traditions. I still say dorm, cafeteria, and freshman.

I will allow you to select from the dozens of swabbie/oil tender comments that I am thinking as I type.

"All my inside sources tell me I have no inside sources." Salvatore "money bucks" Mafiosiano.

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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 10/12/2023 6:59:51 PM 
Worked in Nelson dining hall for 4 years in school mostly washing dishes. Was a great job were very flexible with hours and calling off. Would recommend looking into working there if are in school.
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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 10/12/2023 10:12:43 PM 
bobcatsquared wrote:
My son, a high school junior, has narrowed his college choices to Ohio University and Otterbein. When asked why, he'll tell you that his experiences in their dining halls rated a 5-star each. He has visited both Boyd and Nelson dining halls at Ohio University while visiting his older sister when she was a frosh/soph in 2017-19. He ate at Otterbein while on a campus visit all Newark students experience in 6th grade.

His decision was most likely decided while walking down Court St. over the homecoming weekend. The deciding factor was Keystone's Mac Shack, Athens' new mac-n-cheese restaurant.
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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 10/17/2023 9:13:43 PM 
As a current OU student with a lot of experiences in the dining halls let me tell you this: Nelly was alright certain nights (General Tso's night SLAPPED) but Boyd was overall the best dining hall option on campus. Better salad bar, a lot of custom food options and options for someone that may be vegan / vegetarian. Older students always remark they miss Shively but now it seems they have a new fried chicken grab and go operating from there and it seems alright. Main thing that has drawn my youngest sister here from other universities is the coffee shops on Court - She can't get enough of Brenen's.

I miss the dining halls in the aspect of not having to cook for the night and afternoon, but I don't miss the days of Nelson food giving me the runs. I might go and have one final meal in Boyd and Nelson before I leave campus in the spring though.

Last Edited: 10/17/2023 9:14:50 PM by Cellis033

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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 10/18/2023 10:17:06 AM 
Cellis033 wrote:
. . . Older students always remark they miss Shively . . .

In ancient days each dining hall had its own cooks. That was before the centralized system. Shively had some of the best cooks. One of them was a Hungarian lady who was a fabulous cook. Her daughter was a good friend of the older of my two younger sisters. [The president & VP of my fan club will appreciate the family reference.]

Last Edited: 10/18/2023 12:38:22 PM by OhioCatFan

The only BLSS Certified Hypocrite on BA

"It is better to be an optimist and be proven a fool than to be a pessimist and be proven right."

Note: My avatar is the national colors of the 78th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, which are now preserved in a climate controlled vault at the Ohio History Connection. Learn more about the old 78th at: http://www.78ohio.org

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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 10/18/2023 12:03:00 PM 
Cellis033 wrote:
Older students always remark they miss Shively

My freshman year I ate at Shively.
Loved it.

The next year they closed Shively and moved us to Nelson Commons.

Back then it was "Nelson" and "new Nelson".

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Andrew Ruck
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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 1/27/2025 12:47:44 PM 
Reviving this thread with an update. I took my eldest (now a senior) to Boyd during his official campus visit in October. It was very simple to just walk up and pay, and it was great. He loved it. It was for lunch and there was actually several older people like me so I didn't feel weird.

Unfortunately, it did not work as my son has committed to Mississippi State.

I shifted my propaganda to my other son (sophomore) and took him to Boyd before we went to the game a couple weeks ago. That one was dinner, it was packed and I was literally the only one over 20 there which made it a bit more awkward...but he also loved the experience. It is no doubt a powerful recruiting tool especially for boys. Highly recommend is you have high schoolers you're hoping to see in Athens one day.

Andrew Ruck
B.B.A. 2003

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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 1/27/2025 1:18:34 PM 
Maybe the dining halls have improved dramatically since I was a student, but I always thought we were pretty far behind what I often saw at schools my friends went to.
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  Message Not Read  RE: Dining Hall
   Posted: 1/28/2025 5:36:49 PM 
Andrew Ruck wrote:
Unfortunately, it did not work as my son has committed to Mississippi State.

Oh God

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