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Topic:  Common Denominator

Topic:  Common Denominator
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Member Since: 1/2/2017
Post Count: 994

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  Message Not Read  Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 7:23:10 PM 
At least four male employees have left the Ohio University athletics department in the last couple of years. Maybe a few more have departed that I am not remembering? Russ Eisenstein, Michael Stephens, Ray Dixson and Tim Albin. Personality conflicts with the current administration? Maybe for one or two? But for four or more? One common denominator. The current AD. All long time employees, but suddenly they are gone. Some of you have no idea how miserable the work environment was for many employees under the current AD. I remember a few months ago many Bobcat Attackers wondering why Russ would leave without having another solid job lined up. Well for one reason he was underpaid compared to his peers in the league. Russ asked for a paltry raise and after working 13-14 years at Ohio and was told NO. He wasn't asking for a huge raise, but a small one. Michael Stephens worked at Ohio for over nine years. I'm certain that Ray Dixon was underpaid compared to his position among the MAC schools. The two time MAC coach of the year in football and the most successful coach in the conference the last three seasons left. Some of you have no idea how these employees were treated! Don't take my word for it! Ask each and every one of these people. Some older Bobcat fans will remember former AD Harold McElhaney who died in 2023. McElhaney didn't have the complete support of the University at times during his tenure, but one thing I remember about him was that he was respected by his employees. Harold was a people person who treated individuals with respect and dignity.

Last Edited: 1/21/2025 7:28:45 PM by Bobcat1996

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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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Member Since: 7/30/2010
Post Count: 3,864

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 7:35:53 PM 
Bobcat1996 wrote:
At least four male employees have left the Ohio University athletics department in the last couple of years.

What percentage of the department's employees are male? Is it statistically significant that all four of the people who left are male?

And if you're going to claim that people in the department aren't being treated with "dignity" the onus is on you to provide evidence of that. Asking for a raise and not getting it -- while working at a school that bleeds money on athletics -- is not evidence of the AD not treating someone without dignity. Particularly when everybody knows the AD doesn't control the purse strings.

You're making big accusations. Back them up or go away.

Last Edited: 1/21/2025 7:44:58 PM by Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame

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General User

Member Since: 12/20/2004
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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 7:44:02 PM 
Bobcat1996 wrote:
At least four male employees have left the Ohio University athletics department in the last couple of years. Maybe a few more have departed that I am not remembering? Russ Eisenstein, Michael Stephens, Ray Dixson and Tim Albin. Personality conflicts with the current administration? Maybe for one or two? But for four or more? One common denominator. The current AD. All long time employees, but suddenly they are gone. Some of you have no idea how miserable the work environment was for many employees under the current AD. I remember a few months ago many Bobcat Attackers wondering why Russ would leave without having another solid job lined up. Well for one reason he was underpaid compared to his peers in the league. Russ asked for a paltry raise and after working 13-14 years at Ohio and was told NO. He wasn't asking for a huge raise, but a small one. Michael Stephens worked at Ohio for over nine years. I'm certain that Ray Dixon was underpaid compared to his position among the MAC schools. The two time MAC coach of the year in football and the most successful coach in the conference the last three seasons left. Some of you have no idea how these employees were treated! Don't take my word for it! Ask each and every one of these people. Some older Bobcat fans will remember former AD Harold McElhaney who died in 2023. McElhaney didn't have the complete support of the University at times during his tenure, but one thing I remember about him was that he was respected by his employees. Harold was a people person who treated individuals with respect and dignity.

You're high. I know six department employees - four male - who think she's awesome and hope to follow her to her next school. You buddy Tim Albin screwed himself with great help from his agent. Russ maxed out the value of his position and for whatever reason does not interview well for other jobs. Not our AD's problem.

Last Edited: 1/21/2025 7:51:28 PM by SBH

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Member Since: 10/6/2012
Post Count: 10,188

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 7:48:45 PM 
Bobcat1996 wrote:
At least four male employees have left the Ohio University athletics department in the last couple of years. Maybe a few more have departed that I am not remembering? Russ Eisenstein, Michael Stephens, Ray Dixson and Tim Albin. Personality conflicts with the current administration? Maybe for one or two? But for four or more? One common denominator. The current AD. All long time employees, but suddenly they are gone. Some of you have no idea how miserable the work environment was for many employees under the current AD. I remember a few months ago many Bobcat Attackers wondering why Russ would leave without having another solid job lined up. Well for one reason he was underpaid compared to his peers in the league. Russ asked for a paltry raise and after working 13-14 years at Ohio and was told NO. He wasn't asking for a huge raise, but a small one. Michael Stephens worked at Ohio for over nine years. I'm certain that Ray Dixon was underpaid compared to his position among the MAC schools. The two time MAC coach of the year in football and the most successful coach in the conference the last three seasons left. Some of you have no idea how these employees were treated! Don't take my word for it! Ask each and every one of these people. Some older Bobcat fans will remember former AD Harold McElhaney who died in 2023. McElhaney didn't have the complete support of the University at times during his tenure, but one thing I remember about him was that he was respected by his employees. Harold was a people person who treated individuals with respect and dignity.

I get it, but when I hint about it, I get attacked. It all comes down to one thing, lack of respect, respect on various levels.
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Member Since: 10/6/2012
Post Count: 10,188

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 7:50:31 PM 
Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame wrote:
Bobcat1996 wrote:
At least four male employees have left the Ohio University athletics department in the last couple of years.

What percentage of the department's employees are male? Is it statistically significant that all four of the people who left are male?

And if you're going to claim that people in the department aren't being treated with "dignity" the onus is on you to provide evidence of that. Asking for a raise and not getting it -- while working at a school that bleeds money on athletics -- is not evidence of the AD not treating someone without dignity. Particularly when everybody knows the AD doesn't control the purse strings.

You're making big accusations. Back them up or go away.

Seem to remember the treatment the wrestling coach endured only to be reinstated without comment.
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Member Since: 12/20/2004
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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 8:12:24 PM 
University counsel barred anyone from commenting on that situation.
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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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Member Since: 7/30/2010
Post Count: 3,864

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 8:17:31 PM 
BillyTheCat wrote:

I get it, but when I hint about it, I get attacked. It all comes down to one thing, lack of respect, respect on various levels.

My man, people attack you precisely because all you ever do is hint at all of this insider info you have, without ever sharing anything insightful. I assure you that we're all attacking a personality flaw of yours, and that it has nothing to do with the actual topic at hand.
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General User

Member Since: 10/6/2012
Post Count: 10,188

Status: Offline

  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 8:50:11 PM 
Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame wrote:
BillyTheCat wrote:

I get it, but when I hint about it, I get attacked. It all comes down to one thing, lack of respect, respect on various levels.

My man, people attack you precisely because all you ever do is hint at all of this insider info you have, without ever sharing anything insightful. I assure you that we're all attacking a personality flaw of yours, and that it has nothing to do with the actual topic at hand.

LMAO, I don’t hint at anything. I may ask questions that others can easily find out. Like the WVU contract, guaranteed that several here have the ability to ask and can know if they don’t already know. Difference is, they have some favor and perks and don’t want to cross that threshold. And PM me, I have no problem answering a question., several do.
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Bobcat Love
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Member Since: 12/20/2004
Post Count: 1,193

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 8:53:13 PM 
The common denominator is that the LOVE has been right all along....going on decades now.
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General User

Member Since: 1/2/2017
Post Count: 994

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 8:58:45 PM 
"What percentage of the department's employees are male? Is it statistically significant that all four of the people who left are male?

And if you're going to claim that people in the department aren't being treated with "dignity" the onus is on you to provide evidence of that. Asking for a raise and not getting it -- while working at a school that bleeds money on athletics -- is not evidence of the AD not treating someone without dignity. Particularly when everybody knows the AD doesn't control the purse strings.

You're making big accusations. Back them up or go away."

B Love Sense of Shame- As I stated above, ask the former employees yourself? Is this coincidence? Maybe or maybe not? Ask them how they were treated? I remember many on this forum upset that Russ left. Russ worked at this university for 13-14 years and made a paltry salary. Many of you constantly heaped praise on Russ. Ask Russ why he left? Ask the former employees how they were treated in departmental meetings? Ask them the reason they are no longer working in the athletic department? You people who are drinking the kool aid, keep drinking it.

Last Edited: 1/21/2025 9:00:51 PM by Bobcat1996

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General User

Member Since: 1/2/2017
Post Count: 994

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 9:03:59 PM 
BillyTheCat wrote:
Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame wrote:
BillyTheCat wrote:

I get it, but when I hint about it, I get attacked. It all comes down to one thing, lack of respect, respect on various levels.

My man, people attack you precisely because all you ever do is hint at all of this insider info you have, without ever sharing anything insightful. I assure you that we're all attacking a personality flaw of yours, and that it has nothing to do with the actual topic at hand.

LMAO, I don’t hint at anything. I may ask questions that others can easily find out. Like the WVU contract, guaranteed that several here have the ability to ask and can know if they don’t already know. Difference is, they have some favor and perks and don’t want to cross that threshold. And PM me, I have no problem answering a question., several do.

BTC is correct. The upcoming football contract that Ohio has with WVU is laughable. FCS/Division I-AA schools get paid more than Ohio will for playing WVU for a three game series.
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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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Member Since: 7/30/2010
Post Count: 3,864

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 9:05:19 PM 
BillyTheCat wrote:

I get it, but when I hint about it, I get attacked.

BillyTheCat wrote:

LMAO, I don’t hint at anything.

You described what you did as "hint" exactly one post ago, dude. Your words, not mine.

BillyTheCat wrote:

I may ask questions that others can easily find out. Like the WVU contract, guaranteed that several here have the ability to ask and can know if they don’t already know. Difference is, they have some favor and perks and don’t want to cross that threshold. And PM me, I have no problem answering a question., several do.

I have no interest in PMing you.

If you're going to hint at something like this publicly -- in such a small community as Athens -- you should have the balls actually support what you're saying publicly. Not just gossip via PM.

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General User

Member Since: 1/2/2017
Post Count: 994

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 9:05:28 PM 
SBH wrote:
Bobcat1996 wrote:
At least four male employees have left the Ohio University athletics department in the last couple of years. Maybe a few more have departed that I am not remembering? Russ Eisenstein, Michael Stephens, Ray Dixson and Tim Albin. Personality conflicts with the current administration? Maybe for one or two? But for four or more? One common denominator. The current AD. All long time employees, but suddenly they are gone. Some of you have no idea how miserable the work environment was for many employees under the current AD. I remember a few months ago many Bobcat Attackers wondering why Russ would leave without having another solid job lined up. Well for one reason he was underpaid compared to his peers in the league. Russ asked for a paltry raise and after working 13-14 years at Ohio and was told NO. He wasn't asking for a huge raise, but a small one. Michael Stephens worked at Ohio for over nine years. I'm certain that Ray Dixon was underpaid compared to his position among the MAC schools. The two time MAC coach of the year in football and the most successful coach in the conference the last three seasons left. Some of you have no idea how these employees were treated! Don't take my word for it! Ask each and every one of these people. Some older Bobcat fans will remember former AD Harold McElhaney who died in 2023. McElhaney didn't have the complete support of the University at times during his tenure, but one thing I remember about him was that he was respected by his employees. Harold was a people person who treated individuals with respect and dignity.

You're high. I know six department employees - four male - who think she's awesome and hope to follow her to her next school. You buddy Tim Albin screwed himself with great help from his agent. Russ maxed out the value of his position and for whatever reason does not interview well for other jobs. Not our AD's problem.

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Bobcat Love
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Member Since: 12/20/2004
Post Count: 1,193

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 9:06:24 PM 
Bobcat1996 wrote:
"What percentage of the department's employees are male? Is it statistically significant that all four of the people who left are male?

And if you're going to claim that people in the department aren't being treated with "dignity" the onus is on you to provide evidence of that. Asking for a raise and not getting it -- while working at a school that bleeds money on athletics -- is not evidence of the AD not treating someone without dignity. Particularly when everybody knows the AD doesn't control the purse strings.

You're making big accusations. Back them up or go away."

B Love Sense of Shame- As I stated above, ask the former employees yourself? Is this coincidence? Maybe or maybe not? Ask them how they were treated? I remember many on this forum upset that Russ left. Russ worked at this university for 13-14 years and made a paltry salary. Many of you constantly heaped praise on Russ. Ask Russ why he left? Ask the former employees how they were treated in departmental meetings? Ask them the reason they are no longer working in the athletic department? You people who are drinking the kool aid, keep drinking it.

This is stupid. Has nothing to do with gender. Stop it.

We had respect issues dating back to Boeh, the P-Card Scandal, Cutting Sports, and other god forsaken issues I don't want to discuss here.

This is about competance and incompetance. It's about money, power, and failure to be a responsible stakeholder for your current employer, as you seek future employment. $1.9 Million to play Ohio State after they are literally going to clear 300+ Million this year minimum. Makes me want to throw up in my mouth. You think Timmy and Brookey left money on the table......
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Member Since: 1/2/2017
Post Count: 994

Status: Offline

  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 9:10:37 PM 
SBH wrote:
Bobcat1996 wrote:
At least four male employees have left the Ohio University athletics department in the last couple of years. Maybe a few more have departed that I am not remembering? Russ Eisenstein, Michael Stephens, Ray Dixson and Tim Albin. Personality conflicts with the current administration? Maybe for one or two? But for four or more? One common denominator. The current AD. All long time employees, but suddenly they are gone. Some of you have no idea how miserable the work environment was for many employees under the current AD. I remember a few months ago many Bobcat Attackers wondering why Russ would leave without having another solid job lined up. Well for one reason he was underpaid compared to his peers in the league. Russ asked for a paltry raise and after working 13-14 years at Ohio and was told NO. He wasn't asking for a huge raise, but a small one. Michael Stephens worked at Ohio for over nine years. I'm certain that Ray Dixon was underpaid compared to his position among the MAC schools. The two time MAC coach of the year in football and the most successful coach in the conference the last three seasons left. Some of you have no idea how these employees were treated! Don't take my word for it! Ask each and every one of these people. Some older Bobcat fans will remember former AD Harold McElhaney who died in 2023. McElhaney didn't have the complete support of the University at times during his tenure, but one thing I remember about him was that he was respected by his employees. Harold was a people person who treated individuals with respect and dignity.

You're high. I know six department employees - four male - who think she's awesome and hope to follow her to her next school. You buddy Tim Albin screwed himself with great help from his agent. Russ maxed out the value of his position and for whatever reason does not interview well for other jobs. Not our AD's problem.

SBH- I don't ever recall making fun of your comments or calling you "high." I'm giving you facts and if you don't want to believe what I said, then ask the former employees themselves.
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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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Member Since: 7/30/2010
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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 9:11:21 PM 
Bobcat1996 wrote:

B Love Sense of Shame- As I stated above, ask the former employees yourself? Is this coincidence? Maybe or maybe not? Ask them how they were treated?

I don't know those employees, and I'm not going to reach out to a complete stranger to ask them about the details of how their former boss treated them because I am not an insane person.

You seem to know them. You could, you know, share the details you keep hinting at.

Bobcat1996 wrote:

I remember many on this forum upset that Russ left. Russ worked at this university for 13-14 years and made a paltry salary. Many of you constantly heaped praise on Russ. Ask Russ why he left?

You said this in your first post. Why not give your answers to these questions, dude? You're not a heroic whistleblower staring down the Catholic church about years of sexual abuse. You don't have to be afraid to share details.

Bobcat1996 wrote:

Ask the former employees how they were treated in departmental meetings? Ask them the reason they are no longer working in the athletic department? You people who are drinking the kool aid, keep drinking it.

What is wrong with you and BTC? Are you guys okay? Is Cromer going to hurt you or something? I don't get it. Why are you so afraid to share what you know, and why are you both so insistent that people get the answers to these questions from people that aren't you two?

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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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Member Since: 7/30/2010
Post Count: 3,864

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 9:12:30 PM 
Bobcat1996 wrote:
I'm giving you facts and if you don't want to believe what I said, then ask the former employees themselves.

You are absolutely not giving us facts. You are suggesting we ask other people questions to get facts. We are asking you for facts. Go for it. Knock yourself out. We want facts.
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Bobcat Love
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Member Since: 12/20/2004
Post Count: 1,193

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 9:14:34 PM 
This whole thing reminds me of Dalton having to come in and fight Brad Wesley in Road House. The Athens Mafia continues its reign of spectacular mediocrity, protecting only the most mediocre in its midst.
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Member Since: 12/20/2004
Location: Athens, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 10:42:48 PM 
I have no idea if Cromer discriminates based on gender, but I will say on the basis of personal experience that we have had administrators in the fairly recent past who have discriminated on the basis of a number immutable characteristics. I can't be more specific than that in a public forum, but my perceptions about this were shared at the time by many others similarly situated.

The only BLSS Certified Hypocrite on BA

"It is better to be an optimist and be proven a fool than to be a pessimist and be proven right."

Note: My avatar is the national colors of the 78th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, which are now preserved in a climate controlled vault at the Ohio History Connection. Learn more about the old 78th at: http://www.78ohio.org

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Member Since: 12/20/2004
Post Count: 736

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 11:51:39 PM 
Bobcat1996 wrote:
"What percentage of the department's employees are male? Is it statistically significant that all four of the people who left are male?

And if you're going to claim that people in the department aren't being treated with "dignity" the onus is on you to provide evidence of that. Asking for a raise and not getting it -- while working at a school that bleeds money on athletics -- is not evidence of the AD not treating someone without dignity. Particularly when everybody knows the AD doesn't control the purse strings.

You're making big accusations. Back them up or go away."

B Love Sense of Shame- As I stated above, ask the former employees yourself? Is this coincidence? Maybe or maybe not? Ask them how they were treated? I remember many on this forum upset that Russ left. Russ worked at this university for 13-14 years and made a paltry salary. Many of you constantly heaped praise on Russ. Ask Russ why he left? Ask the former employees how they were treated in departmental meetings? Ask them the reason they are no longer working in the athletic department? You people who are drinking the kool aid, keep drinking it.

First, 4 guys leaving over a 2 year period is statistically insignificant. It is YOU who continues to make statements that YOU cannot back up with any FACTS. Did YOU ask Russ WHY he left? Do you have firsthand information from all 4 who left that they were treated badly? Just as a wakeup call, people no longer stay with an employer for life as they did in the 1970's. As far as kool-aid ... I think you overdosed on it and I wish you quick recovery.

And we all wish Tim, and his dog, well in Charlotte.
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Member Since: 12/20/2004
Post Count: 736

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 11:54:27 PM 
Bobcat1996 wrote:
BillyTheCat wrote:
Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame wrote:
BillyTheCat wrote:

I get it, but when I hint about it, I get attacked. It all comes down to one thing, lack of respect, respect on various levels.

My man, people attack you precisely because all you ever do is hint at all of this insider info you have, without ever sharing anything insightful. I assure you that we're all attacking a personality flaw of yours, and that it has nothing to do with the actual topic at hand.

LMAO, I don’t hint at anything. I may ask questions that others can easily find out. Like the WVU contract, guaranteed that several here have the ability to ask and can know if they don’t already know. Difference is, they have some favor and perks and don’t want to cross that threshold. And PM me, I have no problem answering a question., several do.

BTC is correct. The upcoming football contract that Ohio has with WVU is laughable. FCS/Division I-AA schools get paid more than Ohio will for playing WVU for a three game series.

Post the contract here or put up and shut up. You shoot from the hip with absolutely NO FACTS. NONE. Your conjecture is laughable. I await your reply.

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Member Since: 12/20/2004
Post Count: 736

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/21/2025 11:57:13 PM 
Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame wrote:
BillyTheCat wrote:

I get it, but when I hint about it, I get attacked.

BillyTheCat wrote:

LMAO, I don’t hint at anything.

You described what you did as "hint" exactly one post ago, dude. Your words, not mine.

BillyTheCat wrote:

I may ask questions that others can easily find out. Like the WVU contract, guaranteed that several here have the ability to ask and can know if they don’t already know. Difference is, they have some favor and perks and don’t want to cross that threshold. And PM me, I have no problem answering a question., several do.

I have no interest in PMing you.

If you're going to hint at something like this publicly -- in such a small community as Athens -- you should have the balls actually support what you're saying publicly. Not just gossip via PM.

BTC and Bobcat1996 may be one in the same person. Lots of talk but inability to post anything to support their supposed "facts".

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Andrew Ruck
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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/22/2025 8:22:28 AM 
I'm trying to figure out why a poor 1st half performance by the basketball team is what prompted this fiery post? I'm upset by the team's performance too but the coaching staff has been intact, never once during our shit show last night did I get the urge to curse our AD.

Andrew Ruck
B.B.A. 2003

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/22/2025 11:23:36 AM 
mid70sbobcat wrote:
Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame wrote:
BillyTheCat wrote:

I get it, but when I hint about it, I get attacked.

BillyTheCat wrote:

LMAO, I don’t hint at anything.

You described what you did as "hint" exactly one post ago, dude. Your words, not mine.

BillyTheCat wrote:

I may ask questions that others can easily find out. Like the WVU contract, guaranteed that several here have the ability to ask and can know if they don’t already know. Difference is, they have some favor and perks and don’t want to cross that threshold. And PM me, I have no problem answering a question., several do.

I have no interest in PMing you.

If you're going to hint at something like this publicly -- in such a small community as Athens -- you should have the balls actually support what you're saying publicly. Not just gossip via PM.

BTC and Bobcat1996 may be one in the same person. Lots of talk but inability to post anything to support their supposed "facts".

Ask an athletic department employee for the West Virginia football contract. See if you get a response. The figure I heard was $1 million total for the three game series. If anyone thinks that is a great deal, there is beach front property in Coolville that can be purchased cheap. Albany was paid $475 K in 2024 to play in Morgantown. Indiana St made 500 k to travel to Purdue last season. Eastern Illinois made 500 K to go to Illinois. The schools I mentioned are former I-AA schools making considerably more than the Bobcats will bring in. Do the math. Does that sound like a fabulous deal? And another thing, BTC is not me. Some of you don't like negative remarks said about the current administration. When BTC or others like myself make critical comments, we are berated or told we are "high" by certain posters on this forum. Yet some of you are ok with bashing some of the former employees who no longer work for Ohio. However, if BTC or myself suggests the current administration is in the wrong, we can't be telling the truth because we don't know anything. This is a forum and people are entitled to an opinion. I don't agree with what some of you say, but I don't call you "high" or scold you for your comments.
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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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Member Since: 7/30/2010
Post Count: 3,864

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  Message Not Read  RE: Common Denominator
   Posted: 1/22/2025 11:35:39 AM 
Bobcat1996 wrote:

Ask an athletic department employee for the West Virginia football contract. See if you get a response. The figure I heard was $1 million total for the three game series. If anyone thinks that is a great deal, there is beach front property in Coolville that can be purchased cheap. Albany was paid $475 K in 2024 to play in Morgantown. Indiana St made 500 k to travel to Purdue last season. Eastern Illinois made 500 K to go to Illinois. The schools I mentioned are former I-AA schools making considerably more than the Bobcats will bring in. Do the math. Does that sound like a fabulous deal?

Why are we talking about the WVU contract now? You started this thread to explain that Julie Cromer treats employees without respect and dignity. And seemed to hint that this is because of their gender. You've been asked for examples, and we're waiting on those. There are at least 14 threads started by Bobcat Love to discuss the cost of buy games. Can we talk about that there, and stop moving the goalposts here?

Bobcat1996 wrote:

And another thing, BTC is not me. Some of you don't like negative remarks said about the current administration. When BTC or others like myself make critical comments, we are berated or told we are "high" by certain posters on this forum.

To be very clear, I'm berating you not because of your negative comments, but rather because you haven't shown yourself to be capable of providing even a tiny bit of evidence for the things you're claiming. You've been asked multiple times to share the insight you have, but instead, you tell people to learn it from other places and take you at your word. Share what you know, or stop bringing this up.

Because right now, both you and BTC just look like sniveling little cowards who will hint at this idea that Cromer's a bad boss, but disappear whenever asked to provide evidence.

Bobcat1996 wrote:

Yet some of you are ok with bashing some of the former employees who no longer work for Ohio. However, if BTC or myself suggests the current administration is in the wrong, we can't be telling the truth because we don't know anything.

Tell us what you know. Pretty simple.

Bobcat1996 wrote:

This is a forum and people are entitled to an opinion. I don't agree with what some of you say, but I don't call you "high" or scold you for your comments.

Stop being such a whiny, defensive little child. You're accusing somebody publicly of treating employees without dignity. If you are right, Cromer will almost certainly lose her job. She likely will struggle to find another one, too. This is a serious thing you're doing and the fact that you're being asked to provide evidence isn't "scolding" it's the bare minimum you should expect given your accusations.

If you're going to keep up with this you have to provide actual evidence -- even in the form of anecdotes -- that support the claims you're making. You haven't come close to doing that, so the way people here are treating you is your own fault.

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